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 In my work I tend to focus on my experience as an Asian growing up in America. My work often either brings attention to cultural differences or glorifies Asian representation through portraits or inclusion of the figure.

     Although I focus on growing up as an Asian American in general, lately I have been more focused on Asian representation, more specifically, in the entertainment industry. My most recent works bring attention to rise in Asian influencers in current pop culture, in hopes to inform others about the growth and struggle it took to reach where we currently are, and to celebrate how far we have come. My pieces serve as a statement of pride for my culture and community, but it also records the newfound progressiveness in America. Although representation of minorities can still be improved and most certainly has a long way to go, my work serves as a reminder that improvement can happen, and that there is hope for a more diverse future. I believe that this progressiveness will positively shape our society and allow for future generations to be more empathetic and understanding about different cultures and backgrounds. I hope that my work can provide new perspectives that can in turn generate more brilliant ideas.

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